801 37th Street office@summitviewcommunity.org 970-356-4777

8.15.21 Announcements

Please Pray for Central Asia – Sunday Morning Prayer
Christine posted this on Slack, concerning the country that she has had to leave due to the Taliban. 

Please join me in praying for my home and Central Asia. Things have really gotten bad there quickly. The extremist group is quickly taking over the country, invading cities, it is all-out-war. The city that I lived in is surrounded and there is active fighting between the extremist group and the local militia with regular citizens just outside the city. This has been escalating ever since I left, but is really bad now. My team has evacuated, our whole country wide team actually. My friends there are very afraid, especially women. My friend Star is very worried about their family, because they are from the people group who is the enemy of that extremist group and they’ve been associated with a foreigner. They’re too poor to have even been able to take a taxi to my side of the city much less leave the city or get to another country. In some places the extremist group demands families give one of their daughters to them…
Can you imagine being stuck in that situation with no way out? Yet there is hope, only in Him.
I am confident our Father is at work for good in all this and there are many who will turn to Him in the fear and hopelessness, that local believers will be stronger in faith and greater in numbers. Please join me in praying.I’m doing fine, btw, don’t worry about me. I have accepted that I cannot return to my home and the people I love so dearly at this time and likely not for a long time, but He has somewhere else for me to be to continue to be a part of these dear people turning to Him. Still grieving and processing, lots of loss, but much in prayer and confident in Him. His Name be glorified!

Please join us THIS Sunday as we pray together during our morning prayer starting at 8:30am as well during the service.
Media Team Volunteer Open House- Today!
The Media Team is looking for anyone 13 and up to help with live production on Sundays and slide production throughout the week. No previous experience is needed. We will be holding another open house after services this Sunday, 8/15. This will be a chance to check out the equipment and volunteer for positions we have open for the fall and winter. If you’re interested in joining the team please stop by. Questions? Contact Cale Rogers at 970-396-7184.
Sunday School Plans for the Fall- Sept 5th
We are gearing up for Children’s Ministry this fall and are excited about providing a teaching time for elementary age kids before the service and childcare and a toddler/preschool class during the service:

Gospel Project class for ages 5-5th grade before the service (9-9:30)
Nursery/Toddler/Preschool classes for ages infant – 5 yrs old

This is a change from our former Gospel Project program that was done during the church service.  As part of this change we are excited to announce that David and Natalia Turner will be joining the Taylor’s and the Wuest’s as Children’s Ministry Coordinators!!  The Wuest’s and Taylor’s will coordinate the Gospel Project before the service and the Turners will be heading up children’s ministry during the church service!   

Upcoming Children’s ministry dates:
August 15- sign up for Nursery and Toddler volunteers and teachers
August 22 – sign up for volunteers and teachers
August 29 – 5th Grade Graduation (If you have an upcoming 6th grader we will be honoring them after the service as they leave the Sunday school program and move into youth group)

It is a joy to minister to the lives of young ones at Summitview and we are blessed to have the privilege of teaching them!

In Christ’s love,
 Joey & Robin Taylor, Jack & Kelli Wuest, and David & Natalia Turner 
Pregnancy Resource Center- Update and Volunteer Opportunities
THANK YOU to all who gave for the Resource Center’s Baby Bottle Campaign.  They raised $142,734.77!!!! And, Summitview contributed $1,240.58 of that. Praise God!

Also, Amy Schott, the client outreach specialist at the Resource Center, sent us this message:

Events are definitely back!! YAY!  
Unfortunately, my intern’s last day is August 4th before most of the events.  And so, I am looking for one or two volunteers to “man” a table with me.
We will be handing out promotional items and letting people know about our no-cost services.  There will be a tent and chairs at every event.  All you would need to bring is a smile, water, and a snack!  If you are only able to be there a part of the time, that is totally fine!  I will be at the table the whole time, so I can take any hard questions. 🙂
Here is the schedule for August….it has snuck up on me!
Aug 13th, 5 pm – 10 pm – Friday Fest (9th St. Plaza)
Aug 22th, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm – Fall Student Involvement Fair (UNCo) 
Aug 28th, 10:30 am – 1:30 am – Family Fest/Bears Bash (UNCo, Nottingham Field) If you are helping with the Christ Community Golf Tournament, this is at the same time. If you can help, please email me at outreach@pregnancygreeley.com and I can share more info with you.

They will be having a Volunteer Tour and Info Session as well, on August 20th.  See the picture below for details. Check out their tour to find out ways you can be involved!
Parenting Conference– Sept. 17th-19th
 Parents! Mark your calendars for our upcoming Parenting Conference lead by Josh Whitney. He will be leading us in this Conference from Friday evening on September 17th through Sunday, September 19th. More info & registration coming soon!
Men’s Conference- October
Guys! Our Men’s Conference will be at the Table in the Wilderness, the DTC location that was in Centennial Wyoming from October 1st-3rd. Registration and more information coming soon.
Summitview Information
Youth Group
We will be using Slack for all notifications concerning Youth Group Events.  Please join (use button below) and join Youth Group! You can receive notifications for updated information. 
Our Youth Group has grown so much, and we don’t want anyone to get left out, so please join us on Slack. 
Slack/Youth Group Updates
Slack App
You can use the Slack app/website to post real-time prayer requests, see general communication, and be kept up to date on specific goings-on in areas such as: Youth Group, Women’s Ministry, etc.  Just click on the link below and choose “Sign in with Google” and subscribe to the channels that you would like to receive updates about. Also, remember, you can change your settings to receive notifications or NOT receive notifications, whatever your preference is.
Ongoing Events
Sunday Morning Live Stream
We invite you to join us each Sunday for our regular Sunday morning services, but if you cannot attend,  we’d love for you to join our Live Stream.
Summitview YouTube Channel
Contact Info
Sunday Morning Prayer (8:30-9:20):
At the church building (the old Gospel Project room in the Sunday School hallway) every Sunday Morning at 8:30am.

Wednesday Morning Prayer (6:00am- 7:00am):  
Password: 070621
Paul Pavlik- paulpavlik@summitviewcommunity.org
Mike Bonnell- mikebonnell@summitviewcommunity.org
General Enquiries, Bulletin/Announcement Requests
Building Use
If you would like to use our building, please contact Rebecca Andrews  at office@summitviewcommunity.org to avoid scheduling conflicts. 
There are plenty of opportunities to help out at Summitview. If you aren’t currently serving but would like to, please fill out the Volunteer form in the app or on the website (https://summitviewcommunity.org/).